Pool Draining & Refill in Chandler Arizona

I was contacted by a customer in Chandler who I do maintenance and repairs for that requested a routine filter clean and salt cell cleaning. When I opened the filter this time, I noticed a lot of white flaky scales inside the filter. After testing the water, I found the calcium hardness was very high.
The flakes inside the filter was caused by something called calcium carbonate in the water. The high calcium hardness level caused this scaling to happen. Things like calcium hardness, total dissolved solids and cyanuric acid (also known as stabilizer) does not evaporate. Cyanuric acid is added to chlorine tabs and creeps up over time, as does total dissolved solids which is a measurement of everything that has even gotten into the water and dissolved. Arizona water is hard to begin with and also creeps up over time.
When those numbers go up, it causes problems like scale build up, or chemicals not dissolving properly which leads to algae problems and a higher expense in chemical costs for the home owner. This is why draining swimming pools and replacing the water is necessary.
Pool draining & refill typically happens every 3 years on average in my experience, but can be needed sooner if there is a lot of trees dumping plant debris into the pool.
Service provided: Pool Draining & Refill
Location: Chandler, AZ