Fixed leaking shaft seal - variable speed pump Tempe Arizona

A couple weeks ago while at a service account in Tempe Arizona, I noticed the equipment pad was wet. The variable speed pump was leaking water onto the pad while running. In addition, the pump had no water in it after sitting for hours, which was a clue that the leak was getting bad. A swimming pool is a closed system, and any air leaks will cause the vacuum to be broken. If a small leak in the system is ignored and gets worse, eventually the pump will not prime at all. Where water is leaking out, air is getting in. Once an air leak causes the pump not to prime, or circulate any water, more expensive problems will occur. A pool repair was definitely needed. I cleaned all the corrosion build up from the motor, replaced the shaft seal to fix the leak and replaced all the rubber seals while the pump was apart.
Location: Tempe, AZ