DE pool filter repair Tempe Arizona

One of my long time service accounts in Tempe Arizona needed a pool repair this month. I installed the DE filter about 10 years ago and have maintained it regularly. Required maintenance for a DE filter is backwashing every 3 months (or more if necessary). Equally important is to drain the filter once each year, remove the grids to clean them and inspect the filter while its open. I often end up replacing the drain plug, because the rubber O ring is old, dried out starting to crack. I find small hairline cracks in the collection manifold, the stand pipe O ring may have broke, the air bleeder screen may have a hole in it.
However, even a DE filter that has been well maintained can fail once they’re 8-10 years old. In this case, I noticed DE accumulating in the spa toward the end of the summer, which should never happen. Nothing should ever get past the filter and end up in the pool. After opening the filter and inspecting it, I found multiple cracks in the collection manifold. The plastic had become old and brittle and began to crack in multiple places from the pressure.
The fabric on the grids did not appear to have any holes, however the plastic part of the grids that holds it in place, that fits into the collection manifold, had started to break. A couple pieces of the plastic from the grids were broken off and seized inside the collection manifold. I replaced the grids and the manifold. Pool equipment is designed to last about 15 years give or take. Considering the age of this filter, the repair will give it several more years of service life before replacement.
Location: Tempe, AZ